"Gu Jian Qi Tan" Is A Guide To Making Money Qu

As the saying goes, a penny cannot kill a hero, and this is especially true in the world of Gujian OL. If you don’t have money, you can’t upgrade your equipment. If you can’t upgrade your equipment, you can’t improve your combat effectiveness. If your combat effectiveness is low, you can’t join various large groups. I work overtime every day and don’t have time to play games, so today, let’s talk to you about how to get rich quickly in "Gu Jian Qi Tan Online Edition" in 1 hour.

1. Clear daily life

The ordinary five-company battle every day is a must. Not to mention the equipment dropped, the gold coins dropped alone are considerable.

The five consecutive copies are these five copies under normal difficulty↑↑↑

This is best suited for equipment level 50 or above. If the equipment level is not up to the standard, you can find a leader in the alliance or a new team in the world to mix the difficulty version. The equipment level will increase quickly. Basically, you can defeat it in five consecutive difficult games. As long as the face is not too bad. Black 50 equipment level is available

There are also daily PVX gameplay (PVP and sunbathing array are highly not recommended)

Hammer the ring every day, the blood is faint, the green lantern is used, and there are different things. In this way, you will have at least 80 gold coins (deducting the cost of repairing equipment)

2. Fishing, collecting

Gold collection is very easy to sell, and the price is high. Jiujiang mullet is also very popular and expensive (the Baicao Valley where I am located is 1.5 gold). Here is a more efficient way.

First, teleport to Jiangdu City, put on fishing gear, and ensure that there are more than 50 shrimps in the backpack and try to have more than 20 spaces free. Then follow the route in the picture below to finish fishing the Shengjin Cave, so that you will have at least 3 Jiujiangs.

Then, walk to the transfer point to Shanghuai, follow the route below to fish, and collect some gold (provided you meet it and no one robs it, and it is strongly not recommended to collect from the feet of the mobs)

There will be golden fishing spots in the red framed part on the way. Catching a puffer fish will cost 10 gold (price in Baicao Valley area). Since the gold cave is refreshed once a week, after fishing, go to the Buyunzhou fishing merchant and collect all the gold-swallowing beasts. Sell ​​it, and then buy as much Wu Xian Xiang Yin as you can,

Then go to Jiangdu if you have nothing to do, go to Huaihe and equip yourself with five fresh fragrant baits, and then fish slowly. How many Jiujiang you can catch depends entirely on your character (17 fish fell out of 100 for me, which is considered a standard level)

This kind of income is unstable, but the upper limit is very high. The minimum guarantee is 50 gold coins. For European Emperor, 100 gold coins is the same as playing.

3. Brush material

If you feel that you can’t get through dungeons and collecting and fishing is time-consuming, then go and collect them! I would like to thank Gu Jian for planning this. Without difficulties, Xuanjiu, there would be no day when poor people like us would become rich!

White Phoenix Duck is a necessary material for the synthesis of Osmanthus Duck, and Osmanthus Duck is a necessary food for group play. It is not a problem to consume more than a dozen of them per person. Now the price of white phoenix ducks in Baicao Valley has increased to about 2.5J. Comrades who want to make a fortune should go and farm ducks!

Okay, here is a more efficient way. First of all, if there is a PVE equipment level of 45 or above, it is best to team up with two people, because the white phoenix duck does not drop by individuals and will be distributed. Secondly, it is best for both of them to have magical skills (hands). Long, high damage, more AOE) Then the two of them start brushing at 1 or 2 points in the picture

If there are two people, one is at 1 and the other is at 2. If there is a single player, recharge at 1. If the equipment level is high, after recharging the monsters at 1 point, go to 2 o'clock to fight the monsters before they are refreshed.

Take Tiangang as an example. Start at 1 o'clock, and immediately go to 2 o'clock after finishing the brush.

Pull as much as you can. If it's a magic trick, go to the corner next to point 1. If there are too many people at 1.2 points (you can't grab the magic trick), go to 3 or 4 points. There are a lot of monsters here. You can pull three at a time. , the income is not low either.

Because I am in close combat, I can only barely contract the 3rd point. If I use the double magic method, I can basically contract the 3rd and 4th points. They are all just living in the world. There is no great kindness in leaving food for others.

4. Do tasks and write biographies

If you are a casual health player who doesn’t like competing with others, but still needs a certain amount of gold coins, then go clear the missions and do a biography!

From the beginning to the end of the mission, you will get more than 500 gold. After clearing the whole series, you will get at least 100 gold+, and you can quickly increase your hero's reputation.

5. Novices make money

If your equipment level is low, you can still fight in melee, and you can't grab the long-range ones, then go to Weichuan Source to farm eggs. Giant bird eggs can be used to make broken gold rice, and the price of broken gold rice is not low.

Moreover, this picture also has dense golden collection points.

It is ideal to brush at 1 o'clock, because the monsters are very dense.

The mobs are basically all around the fire, two above and one below, and they can still be dealt with by two magic tricks. If there are more people at 1 o'clock, go to 2 o'clock.

At 2 o'clock, I recommend this point. Use three recharge diamond bigos at a time. It is still a double magic method to take over the whole game. If you are tired of farming, just put on the gathering set. There is a mushroom at the arrow position. Talk to it to enter the mushroom forest, and then collect it inside. The toad people inside will also drop materials.

Methods 2 and 3 both require Consecration 1 because the materials dropped after Consecration 1 will not be bound. Moreover, I highly recommend Miaofa and other remote professions to farm materials. The reason is that I looked at my Tiangang and said nothing…

Finally, I would like to share my harvest from passing the world BOSS.


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